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Naturism Benefits (4 H)

Happiness - Don’t be afraid; try something different.  This is the most important reason to be a naked person.  The sun and breeze caressing the entire body feels amazing.  And you can avoid the burden of uncomfortable, ill-fitting clothes that shut out the world.  Not only that, but naked is FUN!  Remember skinny-dipping?  Playing naked is like being a carefree child again.  Freedom is essential to happiness, and being naked is totally freeing; every-day cares and other’s negative opinions are forgotten.  Have fun!  Don't stay sad, lonely, and depressed.  Get naked if you want more happiness and joy in your life.


Health - Exhibitionism, voyeurism, inappropriate sexual thoughts, sexy behavior, pornography, and the like simply disappear in the light of naked reality, letting you can focus on spirituality, creativity, and mental SHARPNESS.  And a naked life makes you STRONG physically.  Naked, your body soaks in lots of healthy vitamin D from the sun.  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) disappears.  The love of nature and the outdoors grows, motivating natural activity and exercise.  Nudity encourages healthy eating.  And STRESS is greatly reduced, bringing calmness, complete relaxation, and comfort.  Inhibitions and shame disappear.


Humanity – Naked means being truly Human, so less judgmental, with a positive impact on the environment. realistic body image, and close social interactions.  Naturists care about the environment; it’s not unusual for them to clean up the outdoors after clothed people depart.  Reduced clothing, laundry, detergent, and water use all have significant impacts.  In addition, seeing other’s bodies confirms that no one is perfect, giving you a realistic BODY IMAGE, quickly discarding comparisons and negative thoughts.  Everyone’s body is beautiful – flaws, scars, weight (or lack thereof) don’t get in the way anymore.  With this non-judgmental attitude, and lack of concern about body image, it’s easier to be SOCIABLE, to make new acquaintances and friends.


Honesty - Finally, nakedness encourages openness, truthfulness, confidence, and humility.  A naked person doesn’t depend on others’ opinions.  Be CONFIDENT!  Don’t hide behind walls and curtains.  Confidence makes you attractive.  Be who you are!  And be HUMBLE, open, teachable, and willing to share with others.  A Humble person accepts the Truth, which brings a person closer to deity - spirituality increases.  Nakedness therefore helps one live a more honest, spiritual life.

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